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IPads or other similar electronic devices (with the exception of Cavs, Monsters, Gladiators and MAC games) Selfie sticks (with the exception of Cavs, Monsters, Gladiators and MAC games) No weapons of any kind, including pepper spray, pocket knives and/or blades of any kind. No video and audio recorders, including Go Pros What you are not permitted to carry into Quicken Loans Arena Hi, Here is the website info on what can and can't be taken into the arena. That illusion was destroyed when I saw our seats before I even sat down. After Covid I was looking forward to getting out of the house. What ever happened to value for your money. They obviously have no ethics to let people sit in those kind of chair and think it's okay. If the chairs had better padding they would be tolerable but the padding is really bad and uncomfortable. I don't have a problem with the price ,just what they view as a good value for peoples hard earned money.

To say the least I was disappointed.I found it hard to believe that the Rocket Mortgage House can't come up with a better solution for the prices that they charge. While the show was entertaining, the seats ruined my enjoyment of the whole event. The chairs were so uncomfortable that I was squirming before the show even started after only a half hour. They were spaced real close together,I had to sit crooked to keep from rubbing shoulder with the person next to me. When we arrived we found out we had folding chairs to sit in. We paid an excessive amount for tickets just to be in the front row